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The Medicine Wheel.

Plotting along in life can be seen as bringing our best choices into reality. These choices can ultimately show you the world around you that you have created. Sometimes life just sucks. It saturates you in pain and many curveballs + shitstorms + hard days + dark days... but THEN it too will rain all things great + grand + gorgeous.

Today I personally acknowledge that process. I acknowledge both sides of life's massive coin. All sides of Yin and Yang.

For all the wounds of my past that taught me & consistently remind me to love Kelly, for the consistent curveballs I'm mindfull in remaining grateful for being the human and individual that I am now and in today. For ALL of the experiences that life has thrown my direction.

I'm so grateful to have manifested and attracted my soulmate and my best friend. Though we are totally opposite we are likeminded. Share the same core values and want to take responsibility for a life that is built around well- ness, passion and purpose.

To not follow other's but to follow our own wants + needs and dreams. To also consciously heal ancestral patterning. We have done that first by being the first in each of our families to gain a University Degree. Something both family lines have yet to have. Something that sounds so silly yet incredibly powerful in taking a stand in chasing dreams and listening to intuition. Now our children and their children will have this. We created that new healthy pattern of self love. A new line. It is a relationship that I am so happy to be in.

I'm incredibly proud to be apart of your life but for you; also apart of mine. Together I know we will continue achieving wonderful things. Through many experinces over the years shared together from losing your Mum, my health niggles, little to no money, average support from our families, study stress and sacrifices we both know of; ultimately ALL of these experiences have taught us to be a team even when dark clouds hovered we choose to move through it while feeling it.

To rise above in perseverance and authenticity. It has been our greatest teacher. A silver lining a hundred times over and the ending of a 7 year cycle.

Isn't it so true that when one chapter finishes another will begin. My darling Leigh, my super sexy man. I'm so excited to see where and how we create this next chapter. Well done a hundred times over for finishing your degree my delightful and intelligent man. You have made it look so easy when it wasn't. Your attitude over the entirity of this huge degree was absoloulty inspiring. Well done to you. You truly deserve it all and more. X

I write this to remind you reading this of your life. The choices you make and the mindfull way you construct all that shapes you. Who is it that shapes you? What is it that shapes you? Totally be proud of that and the enormity of being human. A kind, thoughtful,compassionate and mindfully aware of loving your choices. They will continue to be your greatest teacher.

A huge shout out to our amazing friends who absolutely and wholeheartedly mean the absolute world to us!! You have been such a source of strength. Your love and support has just been the biggest gift. We LOVE you all so deeply.


Kelly xo

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