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being me

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simply being me

Updated: Jan 13, 2019

I simply write this to birth my true and creative self. To share my truth,to acknowledge and honour what has been and what is to follow. I just want to write and share. It's the right time in my life to share being me. Telling stories that are real. Sharing the things I Iove and that make me happy. Sharing anything that I feel is of value to the world.

A window of opportunity has presented itself in my daily life to openly,creatively and genuinely express myself to serve anyone attracted to my words. There is no other purpose to this blog but to show and tell. A digital diary that is of truth. A journal about being me.

Being me has been an inner tug of war that I have resisted stepping into for fear of being put down or made fun of. Hence why my original blog the vivacious bohemian was scratched in 2015. I was so afraid of just being me. So I let it go. I have experienced and was exposed to significant trauma during my early childhood which left me carrying others and being a constant source of strength, though forgetting about my true self and keeping a lid on my low self worth and never bringing to the surface the intense inner hatred for who I was. I never felt enough. I never felt worthy of all things big and beautiful. My shadow self is something that had to slowly die. The only way that could happen was through feeling it ALL and working through it all over time. I am here now. In a re-birth. I am so excited to welcome this new phase of my life. No regrets and truly never looking back. Everything I had to go through, forgive, honour and feel ultimately led me here and the woman that I am today and for that I value wholeheartedly.

As I welcome 2019 I welcome the end of a seven year cycle that included my Saturn return. An astrology term for some that will resonate profoundly. I have also come to understand that for these life changing seven years I have been experiencing the dark night of the soul.

The acclaimed author Eckhart Tolle explains it well. The “dark night of the soul” is a term that goes back a long time.  It is a term used to describe what one could call a collapse of a perceived meaning in life…an eruption into your life of a deep sense of meaninglessness. Nothing makes sense anymore, there’s no purpose to anything. Sometimes it’s triggered by some external event, some disaster perhaps, on an external level.  The death of someone close to you could trigger it and the meaning that you had given your life, your activities, your achievements, where you are going, what is considered important, and the meaning that you had given your life for some reason collapses.

These seven years have now answered all the why. The silent hardship on a very deep personal and quiet level that I have been working through. This light bulb moment was bought to my attention through two teachers that entered my life last week through a definite divine guidance. To Rita Cramer and Kat Ellis McIntyre,this first blog is dedicated to you both for your influence. My gosh...for your love, healing and just simply....reminding me to just be me. It was through the collapse of my old self that being Kelly has never been more important.

Being me acknowledges all those memories, the power of forgiveness, past life and ancestral baggage where mental health from ancestral lines and dis-ease manifesting within my own physical body has been important to learn of and value so that I can heal those wounds of others who couldn't before me. In this lifetime being the black sheep, the lone wolf, being weird, crazy, hypochondriac,to sensitive, to emotional..just to name a few has never made so much sense, until now.

I believe those of you who are reading this have found your way here not by coincidence but through divine timing & unconditional love. I have a fierce desire to remind you that we are all connected and that which affects me will in turn affect you. It will replace love over fear. For some these terms and stories will leave you curious for more information on such subjects, while for others it might be a trigger. A flicker of lights to just be you and anything that holds you back. You've got this. I totally believe in you. You are not alone. You never have been and you never will be.

I am Kelly. I am an empath, a medium and clairvoyant. I channel and allow energy from a higher source (some people refer to as Heaven or as God) acts as a funnel through me. I see images, I hear words and messages. I feel emotions and feelings, all while in meditation, typing or talking. I work closely with angelic beings and communicate with the animal, fairy and plant kingdoms. I have been a kindergarten teacher for eight years. I am a qualified Montessori preschool teacher and a yoga teacher. I currently study Naturopathy in Melbourne.This is me.

Being yourself, being exactly who you are: is to me, the meaning of life. To love you, to truly honour and value absolutely everything about you. All your gifts, abilities and what you are passionate about is the potent ingredient for living the best life possible.

Thank you for reading.



1 comment

1 comentário

11 de jan. de 2019

WOW!! I’m so happy to read these words. You know you’re such an inspiration to me, I know you have demons, I think in reality we all do but what I admire about you is you acknowledge it and work through it, I can’t wait to see you see what I and Leigh sees in you because then I know you will absolutely understand your worth. Keep doing you Kelly, you do it so well. Lee xxx

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