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Growing up in a country landscape in the Barrosa Valley and then later moving to suburbia where I was lucky enough to live in big houses and with lots of land during most of my early childhood. I absolutely love it today when I am outside.

Being free and playful outside in nature is something I am so fond of and something I will advocate for children as a must in early childhood education for as long as I am alive. The importance of play and being free outside teaches us all equally how to be human. It allows for creativity. It breeds thought and it exposes feelings and emotions. While most of my childhood shadow self is covered in clouds of trauma and abuse; for the most part it reminds me of fun and freedom while playing outside. My most favourite memories are those shared with my brother and sister. From filling up our trampoline with soursobs and jumping as high as we can or playing for hours in our two-story cubby making friends with our strange neighbours over the back fence. Being outside for hours allowed for such beautiful memories to take place and allowed the darkness to dissipate and not worry me that I was being exposed to.

Along with the freedom I could feel when outside,I was always intrigued with the invisible communication I could feel and sometimes hear. I would be sitting on the lawn sculling the pickle juice as I over indulge on pickles when I would sense that the Roses Mum and Dad had just planted needed more water or the shrub next to the letterbox was thirsty. I had a sense of this communication for a long time but could never explain why I could hear and feel the plants. I thought I was weird and until later in my adult life I would come to understand that I was in connection with the plant and fairy kingdom. Today when I use Reiki I can also work on plants. I can help the leaves form back into shape after they have wiltered or handle the soil and allow the water to absorb and fill the roots with hydration.

Today (like most days when I go outside) it instantly makes me feel at ease. I drop into my body very quickly and I also breathe differently. Bushland and open landscapes are the strongest for me and the lightness I feel is something a word can’t justify. It leaves me feeling great.

Today It was on my morning walk that I was nudged to go another way instead of my usual route as I wondered another way. I came across a beautiful DIY bush cubby. It made me holt and I admired just how beautiful the creation was. The thought that had gone into the making of such a creation made me feel so content. I also felt the urge to sit and ask the nature spirits was their a reason for such a find today or was it to simply put a smile on my face early into the day? I sat opposite the creation and I just rest. The message from the bush cubby was one that triggered me as I started to cry. It made me cry because it felt very safe. I felt very empowered (as an empath sometimes the things we feel can make us cry because the love is shimmering strongly throughout our body and the emotion it brings to our attention is one that is all loving and makes you feel safe. It is pure love and it is overwhelming) about tomorrow.

The new school term will begin and I have a few opportunities on the horizon that I want to throw myself into but this will require some stamina in patience that I feel unsafe in and the big possibility of letting go a career that no longer serves me. This is all quite daunting but at the same time very exciting and something I have been longing for.

Seeing the cubby this morning was a nudge and flicker from spirit that freedom is endless if we choose it. Creativity is ours if we choose to use it. Just like I would when I was younger. Would I have felt afraid of the unknown while I was in play using my creative choices and just being me? NO WAY! Would I have questioned why the shrub was talking to me or making me feel? YES WAY! While one part of me is playing the other is not trusting. The message today was about merging the two. When we play we create. This is life. We are constantly building layer upon layer. It’s about the process and time is the freedom we label it.

The cubby was the visual reminder to play. To create freedom in my life where and when I can. To not make excuses that hold me back and to truly become the person I know I want to be.

If this has resonated with you today in some way that makes me feel so happy for you. Ask yourself this.

• When did you last play?

• What makes you play?

• What makes you feel safe enough to express your freedom?

• What can you not put into words but can hear and sense?

• What put a smile on your face that you made you holt and appreciate?

Be kind to the thoughts that lead you to making a life that you alone are proud of. Take note of the visual clues all around you and if it makes you smile take in that moment. Being human is a great gift. You are well and you always will be.

Kelly xoxoxo

Thank you to the nature sprits and fairy folk for bringing this bush cubby to my attention. I acknowledge you all. I love you.

Thank you to the children who created this beautiful cubby. I can hear your laughter and I can feel your love and attention that you used when creating such beauty to play in

. I promise not to take down or touch and I pray that it remains protected and safe under the watchful eye of the fairy and bush folk.


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