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glitter and sand

Glitter. The dazzle. The spark. The less is more approach to when using it but seriously as if we stick to such a small amount when playing with it. Why would we? It’s so inviting. It’s so pretty. It just screams at you to be played with. Similar to Sand. It can urge you to lay down on it's gentle and somewhat delicate skin or perhaps it evokes the urge to take a dip in the sea in front of you. It to is inviting. It’s pretty and again screams at you to just enjoy and play with.

Late last night I found that my Instagram page had completely disappeared. Jesus the initial shock was painful. Like many of you I am sure first freak out and try and reopen your page. Well I did...over and over again. Like a mad woman. I logged my phone in/out, logged in again..then I restarted my phone, hopped onto my partners phone, same process then onto the laptop to no absolutely no avail just letters across my screen telling me that my page was no longer available. The dazzle. The spark. NO WAY?! The excitement and fun in creating such a new and creative self-expressive avenue could just like that be shut down with no explanation and with no notification. It was just gone.

Funny how when you wholeheartedly step into your genuine self and put yourself on a social platform such as this let's get real it is far from a private journal now even if it's me and three others reading this. It's out there. I'm out there. I trust spirit quickly and I'm reminded to not take all this to seriously. It can be rectified. To be genuine and authentic in sharing my stories is exactly my deepest intention for this creative writing and self-expressive adventure. Okkkkaaayyyyy I lost a page. Had a cry. Had a laugh and now I feel motivated to write this blog.

Losing my first Instagram page and all the work that I put in to it is exactly how life goes as I faintly hear spirit tell me. It’s one continual restart. We get the experience ( page gone) to see and work through the lesson ( learning new IT things) and coming through the process being able to feel better and move forward ( dadahhhh....update version 1.2!) Then we repeat it ALL again through more experiences when we are ready to handle it and add it lovingly to another piece of life and her puzzle. We are only ever given to us what spirit and our soul contract know that we CAN handle and that we can heal and repair even if the wounds are deep at the core of our being.

The updated version is now up and running. I guess what is cool to know is that the message from me to you today would be to check in with yourself today and ask what have you lost or what have you gained recently? Did it dazzle? Was there a spark?

Move forward and acknowledge it. Always try to acknowledge. Laugh if you want to, cry, talk with those you love and who love you dearly in return. Sometimes just by speaking truthfully, vulnerably to yourself or to those you trust can shift perspective and accelerate true inner healing in a massive manner because you are the one in choosing to do so. No one else but yourself will ever be responsible in you feeling like you. Stop and own it. It’s your life and it’s your birth right to be just you. Your beautiful you. The real you. Whatever it is for you to acknowledge all that was and all that will be and just keep in continuing forward. You’ve got this.

If you have any questions about this post please feel free to write to me below or add any comments if you so desire.





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